
You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

We desire for every man, woman, and child to connect in an environment that is relevant to their season of life and to their spiritual needs. We offer groups for adults in various places and at various times throughout the week.  
We believe we were never meant to do the Christian life alone and being connected to one another is a key element to growing deeper in our faith in God.

We want to help you find ways to get connected at HHICC in groups, serving with others, as well as simply partnering with you when you need someone to pray with and be there for you with all of life's ups and downs.  If you would like more information on receiving care from one of our Stephen Ministers, CLICK HERE.

Want to discover how God has uniquely shaped you with your unique passions and abilities to serve others? 
Click here to take a SHAPE ASSESSMENT.

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