Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19
Hilton Head Island Community Church is committed to being a part of what God is doing all over the United States and beyond our borders. Because of this, we are committed to giving 10 percent of all tithes and offerings to our local and global partners.
We have several strategic global partners that we support at HHICC.
Take Hold Church in Scotland - Paul and Angela Richardson - Church Planters
Dunamis Ministries - San Ignacio, Belize - Kevin Tzib - a new church plant in the country of Belize.
The Gallery Church - NYC - our domestic church partner.
Word of Life - Argentina - Sergio and Nancy Martinez - South American global partner, sharing the Message of Christ with teens through camps and events.
The Navigators with Clint and Leigh Ann Trebesh in Melbourne, Australia.
No Hungry Children/Manna Ministries - provides food and education for children living in the slums of Kenya, Africa.
Operation Christmas Child - gives you the opportunity to share God’s love with a child in another country by purchasing items for a shoebox that will be delivered to them before Christmas.
We have several strategic global partners that we support at HHICC.
Take Hold Church in Scotland - Paul and Angela Richardson - Church Planters
Dunamis Ministries - San Ignacio, Belize - Kevin Tzib - a new church plant in the country of Belize.
The Gallery Church - NYC - our domestic church partner.
Word of Life - Argentina - Sergio and Nancy Martinez - South American global partner, sharing the Message of Christ with teens through camps and events.
The Navigators with Clint and Leigh Ann Trebesh in Melbourne, Australia.
No Hungry Children/Manna Ministries - provides food and education for children living in the slums of Kenya, Africa.
Operation Christmas Child - gives you the opportunity to share God’s love with a child in another country by purchasing items for a shoebox that will be delivered to them before Christmas.