Care Mentoring

Spiritual Support When You are Stuck.

At HHICC, we want to come alongside you in the good times and the bad times of life. All of us experience seasons in life where we go through hard things or just can’t figure out how to move forward. In those times, God tells us clearly there is wisdom and value in having someone to care for or mentor us which is why we offer what we call Care Mentoring. Our Care Mentoring program empowers people within our church —called Care Mentors — to provide “spiritual support when you’re stuck”. Care Mentors are trained to offer high-quality, confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times or who just need an outside perspective and a little help. A Care Mentor usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Twice a month, our Care Mentors gather together for supervision and continuing education with other Care Mentors, all while maintaining the anonymity of their care receivers.

Care Mentoring is NOT professional counseling. Care Mentoring can be suitable care for a variety of mild to moderate personal, emotional, marriage, and family issues, but it’s not a substitute for professional counseling. We like to think we’re “more than a friend, but less than a professional”. Some issues therefore, depending on their nature or severity, may require referral to professional counseling.
 1. Call our church office at 843.806.3399 and leave a message at Ext. 240. Our Care Mentor Coordinator will return your call.

 2. You can fill out our confidential form and choose "Being placed with a Care Mentor" and someone will respond to you within 24 hours.

 3. Confidentiality is important for Care Mentors to meet with you onsite at HHICC.

Interested in becoming a Care Mentor?  Fill out our confidential form and choose "Becoming a Care Mentor" and we will contact you. If you have further questions, contact Justin Boyter here.